Tuesday, December 05, 2006

How to Go to Bed

1. Think about lots of different things. They should all be strange. If you find yourself thinking a normal thought, you must start over.
2. Get lost in your thoughts.
3. Return to reality and discover that you're tired.
4. Wander into your bedroom.
5. Discover you're hungry.
6. Wander into the kitchen and forget why you came.
7. Discover you're tired.
8. Wander into the bedroom and forget why you came.
9. Discover you're hungry.
10. Wander into the kitchen and search for food.
11. Get sidetracked into a conversation.
12. Resume search for food.
13. Give up, discover you're tired, and wander into your bedroom.
14. Stare vaguely at the bookcase, thinking hungry thoughts.
15. Wander into the kitchen, search for food, and re-enter previous conversation at new point without realizing it.
16. Become confused.
17. Discover you're tired.
18. Wander into the bedroom and get sidetracked by something ludicrously unimportant until you either wake up again (at which point, return to step one) or fall asleep.

Contributed by Ima N. Somniac.