Thursday, January 25, 2007

Drama Queen

Why do I have to be so dramatic about everything? I mean, seriously. So what if my socks are missing? Just because they're my favorite pair in the whole world and my feet are cold without them is no reason to go spinning off into the Pit of Despair. Hah. So there must be some other reason for the spinning. I can see being in the Pit of Despair over missing socks, even ones that weren't my favorites, but did I really have to spin to get there? That's alwaays so discombobulating. I'll be the spinning part had more to do with my elephant. She's mad at me for locking her out of the closet. She liked it in there, but she was too big; she had to go. I knew she was mad when she sent me a yo-yo for Christmas.

Did you used to play with yo-yos? I did. It was fun, but I couldn't do anything cool with it. Up and down was hard enough. Technically it was just the 'up' part that was hard. Down was easy because Gravity was working with me. That reminds me: I tested it the other day, and Gravity still works fine. I lived through it anyway.


Anonymous said...

If they did not match, it's a real tragedy. The secret truth is that everything is dramatic, and only the dramatic people know it. The others live blind, boring lives. No, I never played with yo-yos, but I do have elephants in my basement. My little cousin doesn't believe me, but that doesn't make it less true. I feed them milkshakes most nights, and they're always grateful because they get tired of eating crickets and massive spiders.

Anonymous said...

Eeark! Well, the socks _smell_ dramatic.