Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Old Man

The old man wandered down the hall. Every mirror was cracked, and each piece reflected a different shade of grey, even though his cloak was all one color. They all avoided showing his face. His hood was in tatters, and he walked with a limp. In his right hand, he clutched a staff tightly. His eyes burned deep and grim out of their craggy sockets. Bushy eyebrows hinted that the wispy white atop his head was once a thick mane of hair. His beard floated in front of him, brushing his knees on occasion--perhaps just to make certain they were still holding him up.

So...Is this going anywhere? I haven't the faintest idea. Thoughts welcome.

Oooh! Light bulb just went on! But tell me your thoughts anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd love to draw that guy. Old people are more interesting. So are elephants. Oooooooo!!! I should go to Zimbabwe with that guy! >blinding lightbulbs flash on<