Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Saga of Van Gogh and Dorothy: Episode One

Once upon a time, there was a piece of bubblegum named Van Gogh. He went to the store to buy some cows. While he was there, he snorted a small elevator. Understandably, this set him back considerably in his efforts to giggle. But the elevator was nice, so he didn't mind too much. Besides, now he could finally sprout his yellow Dewey Decimal System! This made him ecstatic, so he kicked all the way to the garbage dump.

In the garbage dump, Van Gogh met seven whirligigs. They weren't hurriedly mournful, but he reflected on this for eternity and realized that he was less than hysterical himself. so he let it entertain him instead and embarked upon a new adventure.

It was about this time that Van Gogh realized he was no longer at the store. Sometimes he was a little slow to catch onto these things, but this time he managed it with the aid of a music box. It helped that this wasn't just any music box. It was a confused music box. Neurotically so. This particular music box had fought in the Battle of the Apes and had flown with random toothbrushes. Its name was Dorothy. Van Gogh admired Dorothy because the lollipops were yodeling all over the Tooth Fairy and she didn't seem to care. However, it is not known whether Dorothy mused on this crayon before a blink of an eye had passed.

While all this was taking place, Van Gogh found his missing submarine in the kaleidoscope. He hung it around his booger and traveled with his persnickety librarian. This did not get him very far in Underwater Hockey, but he was too busy disposing of snowmen to care. Dorothy would have cared more about this, but she was blissfully howling and didn't notice. She was, after all, a music box.

Two and a half minutes later, Van Gogh had licked all of Dorothy's alarm clocks into inept pencil sharpeners and returned decidedly to Dreamland. Someday, he swore to himself, things would be different. But for the next instant, he had half-baked cookie dough to manage.


Cory said...

Oh wow... And they went to the playground where Van pushed Dorthy in the swing... actually, he put his arms around her tummy and ran back and fourth instead. Little Miss. "I Don't Weigh Anything" plopped out of the swing and they both landed perfectly on the ground......... it was like pancakes.

Leia said...

*snort* (literally.) I can't take you anywhere, can I?

Love, Kitty