Friday, November 10, 2006

I suppose you think it's easy...

...But have you ever tried to milk a mountain goat? I thought so. I tell you, it can't be done. And if you've tried it, you know what I'm talking about. If you've succeeded, then I want to talk to you. Why? So I can tell you you're crazy; you're wasting your time. You'll never get Anywhere Important. And that's all that matters, right? Getting Somewhere Important.

That reminds me: I was in the hall the other day, and I ran into a bookcase. Actually, that was about 10 minutes ago. There wasn't always a bookcase in the hallway, but in this house they multiply like rabbits. I don't think it plans on staying there. At least, I hope it doesn't since it's black and dark is black, and I can't see black in the dark. Generally I can't see much of anything in the dark. Perhaps it's really fire-engine red and only pretending to be black? If those are my choices, I'd much prefer that it be black.

So anyway, after the bookcase attacked me, I forgave it and continued on my way. Because I am a very forgiving person, and there was still room to get around it and into the kitchen. The kitchen is usually the goal. That's because there are bagels in the kitchen. Or there were. I ate them. Not quite all of them yet, but give me a couple days. The problem is, that's all I eat, and we're running low on cream cheese, which is the reason I eat bagels at all, and...well, sadly, the cream cheese is not made with goat milk. What do you expect from me when the mountain goats won't stand still? Sheesh. People these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goats are way yummier than cream cheese.